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SKKD No. 0694/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2023 " Application of Stichopus hermanni Nanoparticle Gel in the Healing of Traumatic Ulcers" (1)
SKKD No. 0753/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2022 " Pengaruh Ekstrak Etanol Daun ungu (EEDU) Graptophyllum pictum L. Griff terhadap Aktivitas Fagositosis Monosit yang dipapar Candida Albicans (The Influence of Ethanol Extract Graptophyllum pictum L. Griff toward Phagocybic Activity of Monocyte Exposed by Candida albicans) (1)
SKKD No. 1683/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2020 "Efektivitas Ekstrak Biji Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) terhadap penyembuhan Luka Pencabutan Gigi pada Sel Makrofag (The Effectivenessbf Caiao Bean Extract Toward Tooth Extraction Healing on Macrophages)" (1)
SKKD No. 1684/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2022 " Perbedaan Khasiat fuitiJamur Antara Ekstrak Etanol Daun Kersen (Muntingia calabura L.) dengan Nistatin Terhadap Pertumbuhan Candida albicans (1)
SKKD No. 1685/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2020 " Effectiveness of Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff Leaves Extract Toward Porphyromonas gingivalis Adhesion to Neutrophils " (1)
SKKD No. 1686/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2020 "Uji Daya Hambat Ekstrak Metanol Daun ungu (Graptophillum pictum (L.) Grif0 terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Saluran Akar Gigi (Inhibition Test of Purple Leaf (Graptophillum pictum (L.) Griff) Methanol Extract toward Root Canal Bacteria's Growth)" (1)
SKKD No. 1686/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2020 "Uji Daya Hambat Ekstrak Metanol Daun Ungu (Graptophillum pictum (L.) Griffl terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Saluran Akar Gigi (Inhibition Test of Purple Leaf (Graptophillum pictum (L.) Griffl Methanol Extract toward Root Canal Bacteria's Growth)" (1)
SKKD No. 1687/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2020 " Cacao Seed (Theobroma cacao L.) Extract Gel Effect on the Neutrofil Number After Tooth Extraction " (1)
SKKD No. 1687/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2020 "Cacao Seed (Theobroma cacao L.) Extract Gel Effect on the Neutrofil Number Afber Tooth Extraction" (1)
SKKD No. 1688/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2020 " Cowhide Gelatin Nanoparticles and Titanium-Prepared Platelet-Rich Fibrin Potential in Periodontitis Healing Process" (1)



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