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1n Vitro Study of the Combination of Doxorubicin′ Curcuma xanthorrhiza′ Bruceajavanica′ and Ficus septica as a Potential Novel Therapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer (1)
Hubungan Kadar Kolinesterase dan Kadar Glukosa Darah Petani yang Terpapar Pestisida Organofosfat di Desa Sukorambi Kabupaten Jember (Correlation between Cholinesterase Levels and Blood Glucose Levels in Farmers Exposed to Organophosphate Pesticide in Sukorambi, Jember) (1)
Hubungan Kadar kolinesterase Terhadap Faal paru petani yang Terpapar Pestisida Organofosfai di Desa Sukorambi Kabupaten Jembbr (Correlatjon of Cholinesterase Levels to Lung Function in Farmer Exposed by Organophosphate Pesticides in Sukorambi Village, Jember Regency) (1)
SKKD No. 012/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2019 "Pengaruh Pemberian Diet Beras Analog terhadap Gambaran Histopatologi Arteri Koroner Jantung Tikus DM Tipe 2 (ffect Artificial Rice Diet Administration to Coronary Artery Histopathology of Rat Model Type 2 DM)" (1)
SKKD No. 016/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2019 " Perbandingan Efek Air Rebusan Daun Salam dan Daun Seledri terhadap Penurunan Kadar LDL Darah Tikus Wistar Model Dislipidemia (The Comparison of Bay Leaf and Celery Leaf Infusion Effect on Decreasing LDL Level in Dyslipidemic Wistar Rats Model)" (1)
SKKD No. 017/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2019 " Pengaruh Induksi Racun Ubur-Ubur (Physalia utriculus) terhadap Fungsi Oksigenasi dari Eritrosit pada Mencit Jantan (The Influence of Jellyfish Physalia utriculus) Poisoning Induction Toward The Oxygenation Function of The Male Mice Erythrocytes)" (1)
SKKD No. 018/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2019 "Efek Nefroprotektif Ekstrak Bawang Kucai (Allium tuberosum) Terhadap Kadar Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) dan Kreatinin Tikus Wistar yang Diinduksi Doxorubicin (Nephroprotective Effect of Garlic Chives (Allium tuberosum) on BUN and Creatinine Levels of Wistar Rats Induced By Doxorubicin)" (1)
SKKD No. 020/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2019 "Hubungan antara Pemberian Alpha Lipoic Acid dengan Kadar Malondialdehid pada Otak Tikus Model Cedera Otak Traumatik (The Correlation between Administration of Alpha Lipoic Acid and Malondialdehyde Level on Traumatic Brain Injury Model Rat's Brain)" (1)
SKKD No. 022/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2019 "Perbandingan Komplikasi Malunion pada Pasien Fraktur Humerus Pasca Terapi Operatif dan Non-Operatif di RS Bina Sehat (A Comparison of Malunion Complications in Humerus Fracture Patient After Operative and Non-Operative Treatment at the Bina Sehat Hospital)" (1)
SKKD No. 066/UN25.5.1/2019 "Hipospadia Bisa Dioprasikan di RS Bina Sehat Jember" (1)



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