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No.0560/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2022 "Number of Black-Pigmented Anaerobic Bacteria Contained in the Gingivalcrevicular Fluid (Gcf) of Patients suffering from the Hronic Periodontitis and Aggressive Periodontitis" (1)
No.1443/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2019"The Role of Kuniran (U. moluccensis) and Gurami (O. goramy) Fish Thorns and Scales in Increasing salivary Leukocyte and Monocyte cells Viability Against Streptococcus mutans" (1)
No.1443/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2022 "The Role of Kuniran (U. moluccensis) and Gurami (O. goramy) Fish Thorns and Scales in Increasing Salivary Leukocyte and Monocyte Cells Viability Against Streptococcus mutans" (1)
No.1443/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2022 "The Role of Kuniran (U. moluccensis) and Gurami (O. goramy) Fish Thorns and Scales in Increasing salivary Leukocyte and Monocyte cells Viability Against Streptococcus mutans" (1)
SKKD No. 0428/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2023 " The potential of Robusta (Coffea canephora) green heans as a dentin hypersensitivity therapy agent A review " (1)
SKKD No. 0701/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2023 " The potential of toothpaste containing Robusta coffee bean extract in reducing gingival inflammation and dental plaque formation " (1)
SKKD No. 1705/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2020 " Potensi Ekstrak Daun Ungu dalam MenurunkanJumlah Sel Osteoklas Tikus yang Diinduksi Porphyromonas Gingivalis" (1)
SKKD No. 1705/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2020 "Potensi Ekstrak Daun Ungu dalam Menurunkan Jumlah Sel Osteoklas Tikus yang Diinduksi Porphyromonas Gingivalis" (1)
SKKD No. 1985/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2022 "Management of Localized Gingival Overgrowth in Patient under Fixed Orthodontic Treatment: A Case Report" (1)



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