SKKD No. 1382/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2020 "Rancangan Meja dan Kursi Sortasi RSS (Ribbed Smoked Sheet) yang Ergonomis Menggunakan Pendekatan Anthropometri (Studi Kasus PTPN Xti Barfariari) (Design of Ergonomic Tables and Chairs on The RSS (Ribbed Smoked Sheet) Sortation Process Using Anthropometric Approach (Case Study in PTPN XII Banjarsari))"

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Show simple item record SURYANINGRAT, Ida Bagus NOVIJANTO, Noer IRKHANA, Nadia Putri 2023-02-01T02:46:57Z 2023-02-01T02:46:57Z 2023-02-01
dc.description.abstract SKKD No. 1382/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2020 "Rancangan Meja dan Kursi Sortasi RSS (Ribbed Smoked Sheet) yang Ergonomis Menggunakan Pendekatan Anthropometri (Studi Kasus PTPN Xti Barfariari) (Design of Ergonomic Tables and Chairs on The RSS (Ribbed Smoked Sheet) Sortation Process Using Anthropometric Approach (Case Study in PTPN XII Banjarsari))" en_US
dc.language.iso id en_US
dc.subject SKKD No. 1382/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2020 "Rancangan Meja dan Kursi Sortasi RSS (Ribbed Smoked Sheet) yang Ergonomis Menggunakan Pendekatan Anthropometri (Studi Kasus PTPN Xti Barfariari) (Design of Ergonomic Tables and Chairs on The RSS (Ribbed Smoked Sheet) Sortation Process Using Anthropometric Approach (Case Study in PTPN XII Banjarsari))" en_US
dc.title SKKD No. 1382/UN25.5.1/TU.3/2020 "Rancangan Meja dan Kursi Sortasi RSS (Ribbed Smoked Sheet) yang Ergonomis Menggunakan Pendekatan Anthropometri (Studi Kasus PTPN Xti Barfariari) (Design of Ergonomic Tables and Chairs on The RSS (Ribbed Smoked Sheet) Sortation Process Using Anthropometric Approach (Case Study in PTPN XII Banjarsari))" en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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